Art in all its glorious forms
Butterfly Garden
Rock Painting
Expressive Writing
Don’t know what to do
Try to figure out these kids
So I wrote haiku
Don’t know the problem
But know it is a struggle
Want to find the root
Don’t want to argue
This is out of my control
Not sure what to do
Tension all around
Nothing specific to say
Only wanting peace
Why is it held in
Fear and frustration
Left to keep guessing
Want to create peace
Stepped out of the hurting game
No place left for blame
Think they know it all
A vicious game with feelings
Where is the logic
Where is the guide book
Two different playing fields
The same goal in mind
A brain that is mush
A heart aching in sadness
String along the words
No time for sadness
Pitty party departed
Now to find the strength
Get out of your head
It’s not as hard as it seems
Speak up for yourself
Ego is swelling
Filled with love and acceptance
Share it with your kids
Resilience draining
Tired of hitting a wall
Just plain exhausting
Really think they know it all
Round robin fly the fuck off
Tick tock goes the clock
The time is slipping away
Rolling with the waves
Emotions shift like the sea
Joy sad peace fear love
turbulence in the white caps
peaceful in the deep blue sea
A thief among us
Who hijacked my happiness
Replaced with heartache
Surrounded by suffering
Keep up strength for those I love
Beyond exhausted
My resilience is waning
Need to feed my soul
Refresh renew my spirit
Remember it gets better
All consuming thoughts
The wheels go round and round
What is happening
I am crumbling inside
A pillar of strength outside
Slowly popping thoughts
Grounding myself to the earth
Digging deep inside
Rebuilding the foundation
Brick by brick and thought by thought
Pour into the kids
Lift each of them up by name
He will fill me up
Holding me while I hold them
Trust his plan and know his will
What helps you release
What gets up under your skin
What gets you dancing
What brings you ultimate joy
Finding that spark in your life
It’s time to smile
No fear of looking silly
True joy on your face
There will still be the low points
But sparks of joy will help you
Lift up those you love
Don’t lose you in the process
You have the power
To pull your shit together
And be present in your life
Fight the urge to drink
And the desire to numb
Release the flood gates
Allow the tension to leave
Give the mind and heart a break
My heart is breaking
the brain knows what to do
the soul feels ripped apart
the instinct is to run
But didn't you see this coming
the inevitable playing out
this life is not for you
you are not the one he chooses
Where do you go from here
how do you mend the heart
and put the feelings aside
determine the new normal
How do you say the words
you know he won't speak
after he finally professes
his love for you
Life, a mystery
An adventure just waiting
Frustrating at times
Heartbreak and joy just lurking
Learning how and what to feel
Pain and joy entwined
Expectations and let down
We feel so deeply
Empathy is crippling
Sympathy is exhausting
Anger gets pushed down
Fear of not understanding
Fear means not asking
Push aside fear and anger
Use what has been learned with love
Love is what matters
How we love our family
How we support friends
We pour into those we love
And they will pour into us
I know what I desire of this life and how I want to live it. That’s my new outlook, desire, not expectations. Expectations leave you let down, disappointed and discouraged where desire can fuel your heart and lighten your soul. Even the words feel so opposite when you say them.
Expectations feels negative, heavy and burdensome with a scowl.
Desire feels soft, gentle, passionate about life and joy.
Live in this moment
and not for the tomorrows,
fearing what could be.
Instead embrace here and now;
Shine bright from the inside out.
A heart breaks from love,
it breaks from grief and from fear;
But it also mends,
grows with new understanding,
compassion and sacrifice.
Show what is inside,
the scars, stories and the growth.
Those have designed you,
your soul, your spark and your heart;
They radiate the true you.
You can lose your shine
but those beacons around you,
they know the real you;
They step up and shine through you,
until you can shine again.
No matter the news,
direction is a good thing.
With love and support
and all our whispers to God,
You can get through anything.
A skeleton key
is shared only with a few;
Access to my heart
and power to do so much
in that precious space of mine.
Key to a treasure,
the bearer fully trusted.
The gifts I offer
have no monetary worth,
the most priceless things I own.
My heart a ripple
that shares happiness in life
with those dear to me.
Radiating joy and love
with undying gratitude.
My promise to leave an imprint in your life better than I found it.
“I want all of it”
To be wholly desired
Refrain from judgment
Feeling deeply understood
Sharing the raw emotions
Mutual respect
Tender connecting moments
Hearts all a flutter
Fully expressing our truths
Without expecting a thing
Life will lead a path
A destination unknown
No planning needed
Enjoying every moment
With a full and smiling heart
For now there are dreams
Sweet dreams full of snuggling
Day dreams of long hugs
Imagining lucid dreams
Dreams of happiness for all
Life is worth the fight
Happiness is up to me
My life is joyful
Emotions will ebb and flow
Feelings will overtake me
Sit and feel them all
They help me to learn and grow
Appreciate more
Feel the love growing inside
Plant my feet firm and stand tall
Embrace the darkness
When I rise it is glorious
A breath of fresh air
Renewed appreciation
Love the life I am living
Golden Repair
Picking up each piece
Of my children’s broken hearts
Mending them in gold
Embracing the pain and hurt
Releasing the expectations
With lacquer and gold
Their hearts become stronger
Each piece evidence
Situations don’t break them
Instead show strength and beauty
Lord you have my heart
My desire to shine bright
Your beautiful light
Reflect your beautiful love
To share your beautiful word
Dive deep in your word
Grasp what you are teaching me
Sing out your praises
Celebrate all the seasons
Throughout my beautiful life
I can’t do it all
I am not Superwoman
Proverbs Thirty One
She is who I want to be
Faithful in every season
Present in today
Thankful for every season
Focus on your grace
Experiencing your joy
Living my best life with you
Is This What Calm Is
Zen to the point of not knowing what to do
and actually okay with it
No urgent need
No nervous energy
Not even an appetite to munch
No buzzing thoughts
No crazy impulses
Not wanting or needing to leave the house
No socializing needed
No fixation on shopping
Not a whim to go on
Wandering around the house
and not sure what to do
Is this calm
Is this peace
Is this what it is like to stop and breathe
A Flicker in the Distance
A glint, glimmer, mere flicker of light
It is enough to resurrect hope from a dead-end journey and breathe life back into a moment you thought was your last
To know there is light where you haven't seen any
brings a moment to reevaluate, adjust your path
brings confidence, peace, and strength to keep going
Take these small wins for yourself because there is always one step forward and three steps back
but you have reminders along the way
these flickers to say
Hey, Great Job, and You Can Do This!
Scattered Pieces
Pieces all over
thoughts from A to Z
where does the attention go
my energy gone
tell me where to start
overwhelmed and drowning
A voice breaks through the silent chaos
it calms the buzzing in my brain
Pick them up and put them in your pocket
only to later find you have a hole
Gracious in prayer
he hears my every word
my cries will be heard