The Journey 2024

Happy New Year!

Over the next year, we will each learn and grow into newer versions of ourselves which is just as magnificent as the metamorphosis process.  Every stage is stunning and full of purpose.  Here is to a year of discovery, self-care, and loving this gift, life.

A True and Loving Kindness

I read a book this week by Mitch Albom called The Little Liar and it had a line that stuck with me.  "A true and loving-kindness can never be repaid, nobody knows but you" and  “It’s easy to be nice when you get something in return. It’s harder when nobody knows the good you are doing except yourself.”  It is a work of historical fiction that is hard to put down.  If you love a good book, go read this one! 

Today, I have on my heart the spoken word and the impact it can have on those around us.  The words we share with others have so much power, often more than we could ever realize.  They can lift people up or bring them to their knees.  We can choose which words, if any, we share and how to share them.  The last couple of weeks have been difficult and I intentionally chose not to share with most people what has been happening in my life, which is hard because I am withholding information but doing so because I don't want them to worry about me.  My heart is heavy and I have few words to share but I am ok.